Shooting for the Stars

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The War Against “Mercy” Killing May 16, 2008

Filed under: Honors English 10 — shootstars @ 6:28 pm

Euthanasia is the deed of painlessly ending the life of a person who has a terminal, painful, or difficult disease or has a handicap (“Argument….,” n. d.).  Although euthanasia is frequently known as mercy killing, there is no mercy involved in the practice.  Many followers of euthanasia compare taking the life of an ill patient to self- defense, but with self- defense, someone’s life is being rescued.  With physician-“assisted” suicide, no one’s life is being saved, but life is being taken (“Arguments against euthanasia,” n. d.).  No one would want to waste their last days plugged up to a machine and wired to tubes.  Every person has the right to die with pride instead of being reduced to a subhuman point of humanity (“Argument….,” n. d.).  Assisted suicide, or euthanasia, has more negative aspects than positive ones and should not be legalized. (more…)